Run Result

Script Description
Workspace Caller ID Workspace Monitoring
Used for Fresenius CallerID. Use Org ID, token from the token link at the top, and then a workspace export of the workspaces you want to modify Used for adding all Call Park Extensions in a location for monitoring. Include Org ID, token, location ID and an export of workspaces you want to modify
Additional Info
1) To gather your token, press the button in the top banner for the Token Page. Log in to an account that has edit access into the Org you're working and then press the copy button on token and place it into the token field

2) To gather Org ID, navigate to account in Control Hub and press the copy to clipboard button near the Organization ID

3) To gather workspace export, navigate to Workspaces in Control Hub. Filter down to the workspaces you want to modify and then press the select all tickbox. A button for export will appear to the right which you can export and use to upload into the file

4) To gather location ID, go into locations in Control Hub, select the location you want to work with, and press the copy to clipboard button for the location ID